Friends of Devil's Den State Park, Inc.

How To Join:

Welcome aboard! Annual dues are:

 $15 individual

 $10 full-time student,

$25 family

$100 business or organization

Please download a membership application and mail it with payment to the address below, or join (or renew) now by using the buttons below to add your dues and optional donations to an online shopping cart and then checking out with PayPal (if you do not have a PayPal account you can pay with a credit card, see Step 4):

Step 1 Select appropriate membership type.

Indicate how you want to receive our semi-annual newsletter:
"Download" from this website, "Email" (be aware files>1MB),
or receive a "Summary" (condensed, no photos) version by mail

Enter your phone number for our records.

Other name:
a) For organizational memberships enter the name of your
organization and primary contact person for us.
b) For family memberships enter the name of the additional
voting member (besides the name on the credit card/PayPal account)
that you want on the membership card and mailings.
c) For Individual or Student memberships leave blank

Then click the button, which may or may not take you to
a "Your shopping cart" screen. If so, you may checkout
from there (Step 4) or click "Continue shopping"
to proceed to steps 2 and/or 3.
Select membership type
Newsletter Delivery
Phone number
Other name (family membership)
Step 2
Select additional contribution level, if desired.

Members who donate money, goods and time over and
above dues at these levels receive special recognition
at our annual meeting and a certificate suitable for framing.

Again, click the button after you have selected a
contribution level, and check out or "Continue shopping".
Contribution level
Step 3
Set your own donation amount or add an additional
donation amount to the amount selected in Step 2.

Select dollars and/or cents and change the quantity at
the shopping cart page (and click "Update cart") to set
the desired amount.

Please consider adding at least the price of the
stamp you are saving to partially offset
our PayPal fees for processing this transaction.
Step 4 Click the button to recheck your choices
then follow directions to pay with a PayPal account
or a credit card (there will be a form or link in the
left column of the PayPal login screen to pay with a
credit card without logging in).

Contact us:

Friends of Devil's Den State Park, Inc., PO Box 623, West Fork, AR 72774-0623

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